Been working at Jealous Gallery who do some amazing prints!. Check them out: Also check out mr bakers work,
My name is Jess Wilson and I am a London based Ilustrator. I use crayons and paints in my illustrations. I enjoy observing the world around me and documenting all sorts of eccentric occurrences. I’m open to working on all kinds of briefs and enjoy all new challenges, which come my way.
Apart from that, my favourite colour is baby blue, I have a weakness for guitar hero and Baywatch (series 1). People often tell me I have an unsensible food palette, but I can’t help enjoying a good portion of sardines in fruit salad. I enjoy smiling and frowning and try to keep to these two expressions. I can’t sit still for more than 30 seconds, which makes it hard to sleep, but means I have lots of energy to draw and paint, lovely nice stuff.
Clients: Amelias Magazine, Quarto Publishing, Meat Magazine,
Anti Magazine, Idn World, T-Bar (Australia), Notion Magazine, You Magazine, BBC series “HUSTLE”, Bad Idea Magazine, Graniph, Them Design (Bestival Program), Fact Magazine, Radley Yelder.